
Handbook of Science and Technology Studies   Call for Chapter Proposals – Due Aug. 15, 2013

Handbook of Science and Technology StudiesのCall for Chapter Proposalsについて以下のようにアナウンスがありました。

The editors of the next edition of the Handbook of Science and Technology 
Studies invite proposals for chapters to be included in the new Handbook. 
This edition of the Handbook is expected to appear in 2016, some nine years 
after the last edition.  Much has happened during that interval: the 
advancement of STS theories and methods, the development of new ideas and 
the evolution of long-important themes, the engagement of STS with other 
disciplines and with the public sphere. We aim to capture an enduring 
snapshot of the ongoing creative activity of STS in the new Handbook, 
representing the core theoretical, methodological, and substantive concerns 
of the field and situating the field in its intellectual and historical 

The STS Handbook is one of the most important books that the field produces. 
For STS graduate students, the Handbook offers a substantive and significant 
introduction to the field as a domain of scholarship, to its core ideas, and 
to exciting new areas of research. For scholars in the field, the Handbook 
can provide reviews of the key concepts and approaches across a range of 
subfields. For scholars in other fields, and for professionals more broadly 
in society, the Handbook can present a broad, deep, and nuanced view of STS 
scholarship. Our vision in this volume of the Handbook is to address all of 
these audiences. Chapter proposals must therefore be written so as to engage 
new graduate students in the field as well as more experienced researchers 
and professionals.

We are especially interested in soliciting a broad array of contributions to 
the Handbook drawing on geographically diverse authors. STS and the 
challenges that it confronts are global enterprises, and we invite authors 
from all over the world to submit abstracts. We particularly want to 
encourage chapter proposals from STS scholars in parts of the world that 
have historically been underrepresented in prior STS Handbooks, including 
Asia, Latin America, and Africa—and proposals that offer global and/or 
comparative perspectives. Strong proposals are likely to include more than 
one author and, especially, to bring together authors and perspectives from 
across two or more subfields of STS to offer new, synergistic insights. We 
expect all chapters to be fully grounded in relevant STS theory and to use 
empirical evidence to illuminate key ideas.

We currently plan the Handbook to have five major sections, with 5-10 
chapters in each:

Section I. Core Ideas in STS

What are the core ideas that motivate and underpin STS as a dynamic field of 
inquiry? In this first section of the Handbook, we focus on the core lines 
of thinking that have accompanied and structured the development of STS as a 
research field. These chapters should reflect the evolution of debates in 
these areas over time. We regard it as essential for students of STS issues 
to understand their own field’s history of thinking as one deeply 
intertwined with societal change. The chapters should show how ways in which 
people decide to live in the world also tie into ways of questioning and/or 
reinforcing technoscientific developments, reflect on the impact that 
scholarship in these areas has had on multiple levels, and explore why, 
today, these ways of thinking about the world remain at the core of STS 
thinking. Some chapters that we would like to see include: knowledge as a 
social phenomenon; socio-technological systems; the transformation of life; 
the construction of ideas and identities; gender and race in science and 
technology; expertise and publics; living and working in technoscience; 
institutional structures of science and technology; classification and 
standardization; co-production of science and politics.

Section II. The Contributions of STS to Enduring Intellectual Problems

What has STS contributed to addressing central questions in the humanities 
and social sciences? We believe that STS has much to say to its neighbor 
disciplines, and we aim for this section of the Handbook to help engage 
scholars more broadly in the humanities and social sciences. We anticipate 
these chapters will offer a valuable entry point for graduate students 
entering STS from other disciplines who are looking for ways of connecting 
STS scholarship to broader intellectual traditions. In this, we are 
cognizant of the fact that many STS researchers are still trained within 
other fields of humanistic and social science inquiry. We are looking for 
authors to explore, through an STS lens, enduring intellectual issues of 
significance in humanistic and social science scholarship. Our desire is to 
see authors provide broad and deep reviews that demonstrate the value of STS 
scholarship to answering critical questions that concern multiple scholarly 
fields. Some areas where we believe STS has made important contributions: 
democracy; identity and difference; power and inequality; the body; culture; 
place; innovation; design; capitalism.

Section III. Advances in STS Theory and Methods

What are the most exciting areas of emerging scholarship in STS today—and 
what might be the most exciting areas tomorrow? In this section, we are 
looking explicitly for chapters that describe cutting edge areas of STS 
theory and methods. We are especially looking for new areas of research that 
meet two criteria: first, they have achieved sufficient attention as to 
deserve a thorough review of scholarship and future prospects; and, second, 
they are broadly relevant to readers in STS and beyond. The chapters will 
contextualize the intellectual histories of the work under review, explain 
its core ideas in accessible terms, and offer suggestions for where future 
research can continue theoretical advances. Some ideas for potential 
chapters include: globalization, the rise of biology, socio-technical 
constitutions, imagination; time, temporality, and the future; food and 
health; social media and information; vulnerability and resilience; and 
emerging technologies.

Section IV. Key Challenges for STS as a Field and a Profession

What challenges does STS face as a field of scholarship struggling for 
resources and attention in today’s academic environments?  In this section 
of the Handbook, we focus on key challenges, including both those that have 
emerged for the field of STS in recent years and those that have endured for 
decades. For the most part, these challenges are, at once, intellectual and 
institutional. They may result from tensions within STS or between STS and 
other fields of scholarship. They may result from the transformation of the 
university, as the context within which STS scholarship takes place. Or they 
may result from broader transformations in science, technology, policy, or 
society. Regardless of their source, we see it as important that students of 
and in the field understand the kinds of challenges the field confronts 
moving forward. The list below is admittedly partial, and we expect to fill 
it in through nominated contributions: disciplinarity and 
inter-/trans-disciplinarity; the transformation of the university and 
academic work; the search for normativity and policy impact; responsible and 
ethical science and engineering; engaging STS in the professions.

Section V. STS and 21st Century Grand Challenges

How can STS contribute to solving the most vexing challenges facing humanity 
at the outset of the 21st century? STS has had far less impact in many parts 
of the world in shaping humanity’s responses to these challenges than, 
arguably, the power of its ideas might suggest. At the same time, STS 
scholars and ideas have made important contributions to solving societal 
problems that should not be ignored. This section strives to review, most 
importantly, where STS has essential contributions to make in helping 
societies around the world address key social and policy problems. We also 
seek chapters that highlight where STS is already making significant 
contributions and where, with new developments in the field, it might be 
positioned to contribute in the future. Examples include, but are certainly 
not limited to: energy transformation; global environmental change; health 
and wellbeing; security and justice; poverty; food and agriculture; finance 
and markets; technological disasters; the human future/future human.

What to do?

Chapter proposals should include a 1000-1200 words abstract describing the 
proposed chapter. In addition to the abstract, proposals should also offer a 
paragraph explaining the importance of including the proposed chapter in the 
STS Handbook and for which thematic section it would be most appropriate. 
Proposals should also identify the proposed lead author and contributing 
authors and describe the relevant qualifications of the team in the 
chapter's field of coverage. Please include full contact information 
(including email addresses) and short bios for all authors.  Please send 
proposals electronically as pdfs, to clark.miller(あっと)asu.edu. More information 
can be found at http://stshandbook.com.

Target Date:  August 15, 2013